Dr. Mac’s

Behavior Transformation Guide

A complete package for assessing & increasing a youngster’s willingness

to engage in positive behavior change.


Author: Tom McIntyre, Ph.D.



This comprehensive package provides you with the ability to:

1. Determine a youngster’s present level of willingness to work with you to develop a more

 pro-social behavior pattern.

2. Move the youngster toward higher stages of readiness for positive behavioral change.

3. Maintain the youth’s new and more positive behavior pattern once it is established.

4. Motivate a youngster to re-engage in the change process if s/he experiences failure in maintaining

the new pro-social behavior pattern.



Herein, you’ll find:

1. A descriptive overview of the Readiness for Change model

2. An assessment instrument to be completed by the youngster (Ready Report)

3. An assessment instrument to be completed by adults familiar with the youngster (BARC)

4. An extensive listing of interventions for each of the stages of readiness, designed to

 equip you with the strategies that will motivate the youngster to fully engage in

 the behavior change process (with period updates as new materials and methods are added)





Table of Contents


Introduction to the Readiness For Change model …………………………………………………………………………………… 3

The Readiness for Change Assessment Instruments: Description & Directions ……………………………………… 11

The Ready Report (completed by the youngster)  .……………………………………………………………………………….… 12

The Behavior Assessment of Readiness for Change (completed by adults) ……………………………………………. 15

Interventions and support strategies for the various stages of readiness (including relapses) ………………. 37

Interventions & support strategies for youngsters in the Pre-Contemplation Stage …………….…… 38

Interventions & support strategies for youngsters in the Contemplation Stage ……………………….. 42 

Interventions & support strategies for youngsters in the Preparation Stage ……………………….……. 45

Interventions & support strategies for youngsters in the Action Stage …………………………………….. 48

Interventions & support strategies for youngsters in the Maintenance Stage ………………….………. 50

Interventions & support strategies for youngsters in Relapse …………………………………………….…….. 52

End Note ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...………. 55

Additional Resources ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...……. 57





Read an overview of the Readiness for Change model (also known as the TransTheoretical model)


More about the BTG & how it is used with conduct disordered and other youth



The Behavior Transformation Guide

The Behavior Transformation Guide (BTG)


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