
From Resistance to Renewal


Promoting a Youngster’s Readiness to

Change Behavior for the Better



How exactly is this task accomplished? Read on...


The Behavior Transformation Guide (BTG) contains 2 assessment instruments (The BARC and The Ready Report) , both described below. The results of the assessment lead practitioners to a extensive list of detailed suggestions for intervention (many are hyperlinked to web pages that describe how to use the practices)


Adults who are familiar with the youngster complete the Behavior Assessment of Readiness for Change (BARC) checklist that pinpoints the particular stage of readiness in which the youngster presently exists.  The BARC includes:


The youngster completes The Ready Report (TRR) by placing a mark on an 11-point scale, indicating his/her willingness to work with adults to modify his/her behavior.  Based on the position of the mark, certain follow-up questions are presented for discussion with a trusted adult.



Based upon the information and results obtained from administration of the BARC and TRR, adults consult a particular listing of intervention suggestions that is tailored to the identified stage of readiness to cooperate.  When implemented, these practices move the youngster to the next higher level of readiness to change for the better (identified by the re-administration of the BARC and TRR assessment instruments).  Once the student arrives at a higher level of readiness, a new listing of interventions is consulted and implemented in order to continue the youngster’s progression.


Intervention listings are available for all stages of readiness… pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, & relapse.



PBIS pyramid Tier 3 of PBIS is addressed by the BTG The Behavior Transformation Guide



The price for this complete & comprehensive package?

Consider this: When you purchase these materials, you make your job of reaching and teaching a behaviourally challenged youngster much easier and more productive. Then consider that you can use the materials over and over again with this young person and others who follow. Imagine how they can help to improve practice throughout your facility.


I can hear you thinking: "Sounds Great! How much will it cost me to more effectively reach and teach our youngsters with behavior challenges?"


Here it is: $169.99 for assessment and remediation all in one!  It’s a bargain at twice the price!



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The Behavior Transformation Guide


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Given the quality and practicality of the materials, I'm confident that you'll be sending me only accolades like these:


Can't wait to share this with other teachers and be more effective in empowering students to control and choose behaviors. Love your stuff.  Darlene.


 Thanks… We plan on using the packet for three of our staff development sessions in the Spring. Melissa M.


Thanks! I was looking for something for older students, this is the ticket! Sheri W.O.


“The Ready Report”, helps identify if the behavior is in need of modification. This is a great way to hear the student’s perspective of their behavior. Sorinel


By using “Readiness to Change” with our students, we can bridge their learning and willingness to alter their behaviors to enhance their learning experience. Elizabeth


 I spent a lot of time looking at the Readiness to Change Behavior Transformation Guide (BTG) because I currently have a student in the (what I believe to be) contemplation stage. I’m struggling for ways to help him. The BARC is really easy to follow and I think it could yield some great noticings for IEP meetings or meetings with parents. I enjoy the fact that it is broken down into stages and each stage has its own assessment. It is nice to have one assessment that isn’t 20 pages long. It’s perfect that in addition to the 0-3 scale there is also a table for taking qualitative notes. I hate how I am always restricted to some kind of number scale when filling out assessments. What I am most interested to try out are some of the specific intervention strategies in each stage.  Kara



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The Behavior Transformation Guide

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Who could make use of these materials?



When changing behaviour for the better, we want to work with, not against our kids.

Form that alliance with Dr. Mac's Readiness-to-Change materials!











Helping you steer kids in the right direction... even in stormy seas.