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Greetings again, fellow B-Listers!


 For those in the northern hemisphere of this blue-green orb, the new school year is almost upon us. 

Very soon, happy faces will be entering though the schoolhouse door.     I'd like to make certain that one of them is yours.



To assist you in your mission to impart knowledge, skills, and self-control to your young charges, I’m sharing some free materials to guide your efforts.  They'll ensure that your year gets off to a great start (and continues swimmingly).


Despite your no-doubt impressive knowledge base and skill sets in the many areas, you’ll want to insure that you are highly proficient in in the lynchpin skill of teaching: Classroom and behavior(u)r management.


Academic productivity and a positive social-emotional classroom climate hinge on the mastery of this essential ability.  It’s an irrefutable truth that NOTHING productive happens in the classroom unless and until the instructor becomes the “Captain of the Classroom.”


To attain that level of proficiency, you’ll need more than the age-old (and misdirected) advice of “Don’t smile until Christmas." (Chanukah, Kwanza or other winter holiday).  Rather, we should be smiling widely from the very first moment we come into contact with our new learners.


In order to keep smiling throughout the year, we must be masterful the 4 areas of classroom management. I’ve listed them below with links to my FREE how-to-do-it videos and web pages that provide that information (I’ve thrown in a few things from other sites too):




1) Orchestration of the classroom





2) Teaching style







3) Interaction style







4) Behavior management/discipline

 (4 Components of an effective management system)





AND... If you need a practical, detailed, what-to-do  &  how-to-do-it text...



What makes this book different from the other new (& developing) class management texts?

Professor McGown’s text contains everything that they never taught us in our teacher training programs.

(But she does!)

Even if we are trained well during our teacher prep programs, there is the day-to-day minutia and routine tasks that are essential to our success as educators (# of pencils to order, distributing materials, questions to ask of more experienced colleagues before the first day of school, etc.)Somehow, those topics don’t make it into the college curriculum.

I’ve read the other books for new teachers… The excellent texts by Wong & Wong, Canter & Associates,  Kelly, Rominger, Thompson, Williamson, etc.  They provide the general templates for success as a new or developing teacher. 

It is Carolyn McGown’s book that fills in the blanks and connects the dots…offering specific details, real life day-to-day examples, and down-to-earth practicality.

Click here  to read excerpts.  You’ll be convinced.




Thanks for visiting with me for part of your busy day.

Dr. Mac


P.S. If you missed the previous two B-List Blasts, here are the links:

1. The Hazards of Using Point Systems with Negative Points -

2. The Good Behavior Game (whole class point system) -